MauriJun 7, 2021musicPercussion Music Is Revolution! - The playlists: 2Second selection of percussion music favourites of mine. Here is a detailed tracklist: 00:00 - John Cage; perf. Maelstrom Percussion...
MauriOct 16, 2020musicGEORGE NELSON'S "10 SECONDS"George Nelson, a very present photographer of the London music scene, is running an intriguing feature on his blog,...
MauriOct 24, 2019musicPercussion Music Is Revolution! - The playlists: 1"Percussion Music Is Revolution!" is a series of one-hour long mixtapes of percussion music liberally picked from any area, age or...
MauriMar 15, 2017musicSOMETHING ABOUT FIIUM SHAARRK'S SECOND ALBUMFIIUM SHAARRK We Are Astonishingly Lifelike Released on March 10, 2017 - Not Applicable, NOT036 - Buy HERE Quite few stories in need of...
MauriJan 18, 2010stuff published elsewhere"A FURTHER INSIGHT INTO NOT APPLICABLE" - LINER NOTESIn January 2010 we released the free downloadable "A Further Insight into Not Applicable"; Isambard Khroustaliov designed the artwork,...
MauriJun 9, 2009mauri saysAN INTERVIEW ABOUT THE ETHICS OF IMPROVISED MUSICIn Italian - sorry guys! Originally published on in June 2009. The Openimpro blog and the relative domain are now...
MauriDec 31, 2005music11 THINGS I HAVE LEARNT FROM 12 CONGA PLAYERSfrom Tata Güinnes - to assign undivided beauty to every single note from Francisco Aguabella - to space up the two open tones on the...
MauriNov 15, 1998music"ACCOMMODATING GODS" LINER NOTESIn 1998, together with drummer Davide Giovannini, I released "Accommodating Gods", the only album of a duo called Afroshock. In those...