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Collocutor's "Conversation 3", from the album "The Search"
Maurizio Ravalico - percussion
Simon Finch - Trumpet, electronics
Animation by Alberto Vaglimigli

Maurizio Ravalico live on Worldwide FM, April 24 2019

"Nobody's Husband, Nobody's Dad" - album introduction
from Maurizio's Youtube channel

"It Used to Be Buzzing with Insects Here"
- A song for the end of things -

All credits and texts on the video's Youtube page

Maurizio Ravalico - solo, at CdM, Trieste 19/7/2017 - pt.3
from Maurizio's Youtube channel

Fiium Shaarrk - Conundrum
A video by Little Paris Production
All credits on Little Paris Youtube page

Samuel Beckett Quad I + II
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, November 19th, 2018
Produced and directed by Sophie Fetokaki - All notes and credits on Sophie's Youtube channel

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