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So 2017 has been a good year after all. The latest album of my trio Fiium Shaarrk, “We Are Astonishingly Lifelike” was chosen by Gilles Peterson as one of the best 50 in his “Essential Jazz and Beyond Records of 2017” chart, and BBC3’s Late junction put it among their best 12 albums of the year! I was also creatively involved in the making of Collocutor’s “The Search”, which has made quite some noise in its wake this year, and it’s probably going to carry on being talked about for another good while. 2017 was also the year when I consolidated and started gigging my solo percussion act, and in the Summer I’ve recorded an album, which I am counting on releasing in 2018. Berlin has been good with me too… I have started some new stuff there this year, which you will hopefully hear about soon. I've just started a Facebook page for my solo percussion project, Like it if you please, for the obvious reasons. I solemnly promise I'm not going to post pics of me smiling like a fool with my gear set up behind me in some studio where I’m working, nor of the grandeur of an empty theatre where I’m about to play. No need to mention cats and meals, of course; while political and philosophical conversations will be, as always, conducted strictly in person, when we meet, in bars, squares, houses. And we will meet; many of us.


Few suggestions for 2018:

Be agnostic. Question everything. Program your reading, and read a lot. Work hard. Be weird. Learn a meditation technique, any one. Don’t buy anything for Christmas. Don’t abbreviate, and use your punctuation impeccably. Maintain a healthy suspiciousness towards neologisms. Be Love.

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